How to harness today’s crisis to build good societies & silver economy opportunities in the future.
The participation at Trieste Citizen Accelerator AAL 2021 is free of charge.
The Trieste Citizen Accelerator: Active and Healthy over 65 is a 2 days event, organized by the Upper Adriatic Technology Park (Polo Tecnologico Alto Adriatico) and funded by the European Joint Programme, Ambient Assisted Living. Its goal is to help addressing loneliness & isolation of older adults through Innovative & Tech solutions.
The Accelerator will bring together citizens from various ages: students, civil society organisations, Civil society Organizations, family caregivers, support administrators, mentors from private and local/regional public authorities to jointly develop innovative & creative ideas/ tech solutions.
This initiative includes social participation between citizens and experts & the competition (hackathon) between teams.
The agenda and registration to the initiative is available by dedicated links to sessions phygital/ physical)
The concepts of loneliness and isolation in their different aspects have been intensively discussed within the European Week of Active and Healthy Ageing 2021. In the European context, facing and contrasting the phenomenon of loneliness and isolation, meaning by this term every phenomenon of social and civil exclusion, disconnection and marginalization for origins or causes connected to the personal, socio-health, economic or cultural condition is relevant and alarming in such senses.
In fact, the UE Regions actively promote and encourage the Civil Society Organisations and SMEs to draft projects and enhance experiences aimed at understanding and preventing the emergence of such phenomenon.
Nowadays, technologies and innovation strategies are very fast on their on-going progress of accelerator and implementation of ideas and solutions, that sometime some people may do not be included in this virtuous and fast process. For this reason, the Trieste Citizen Accelerator aims to create the context to addressing major issues of an ageing and changing society through the support of digital innovation/tech solutions.
This initiative has its focus on teamwork, intergenerational participation, multidisciplinary and international cooperation and is looking in particular for innovative, technological and not-technological solutions and business models to help old people unleash their full potential and added value in society as a measure of integration into their communities.